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One-click registration link

One-click registration links are an advanced way to allow people that are already on your mailing list to register for your webinar quickly.

Tim avatar
Written by Tim
Updated over 8 months ago
One-click registration link demo

The one-click registration link is an advanced way to allow people that are already on your mailing list to register for your webinar with just a single click of a button. The one-click registration link will auto-fill the registration field for the subscriber.

Configuring the one-click registration link

To configure the one-click registration link, follow the steps:

  1. Navigate to your webinar to open the webinar dashboard.

  2. On the right side next to 'Add contacts', select the 3 dots and choose 'one-click registration'.

  3. Select the preferred broadcast and copy and paste the link in the pop-up in your email software.

  4. Replace your custom field names such as 'First+name+here' with the right data, or configure your email software in a way that replaces this information automatically.

add contacts button

When a field isn’t used, you can remove it from the link.

One-click registration link

One-click registration for embed forms

Embed forms can also use the one-click registration system, but you have to create the link manually.

First, follow the directions above (under 'Configuring the one-click registration link') to get the one-click registration link for your webinar. Copy and paste this somewhere.

Example of a one-click registration link:

Now, find your embed form link. Copy and paste that somewhere as well.

You'll want to combine these two links to add the one-click functionality to your embed form. To do this, copy the part after the webinar's name in the one-click registration link and place it at the end of the embed form link. In the example above, that would be:


Here is an example of an embed form link combined with the one-click registration link above:

One-click registration for follow-up emails

You can also use the one-click registration link for your follow-up emails in your webinar.

Replace your own field names, such as 'First+name+here', with the correct email variables. You can find these here.

One-click registration for webinar series

By default, the one-click registration link only selects one of the webinars within a series. If you want all webinars to be selected, you will have to create your own one-click registration link.

  1. Copy the regular registration link of your webinar, for example:

  2. Add the following to the end of the registration link:


  3. Replace "Company+name+here", "Email+here", "First+name+here" and "Surname+here" with the correct data. Please note! Company name and surname are registration fields that have to be manually added while editing the webinar. You can also leave them out. First name and email are always required.

  4. In this example, your one-click registration link that selects all webinars in the series by default would look like this:

Keywords: direct, easy

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