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Set the theme for your webinar page that suits your branding.

Dina avatar
Written by Dina
Updated over a year ago

For your webinar, you can set Theme Colors. You can choose a Default webinar theme and Custom theme colors. You can set the theme for your webinars in the ‘Branding’ settings. This applies to the pages where webinar participants participate in your webinar. By default, nobody can change the theme you chose; presenters, moderators and viewers alike.

To change the webinar theme for your webinars, follow the following steps:

  1. Click on 'Account' in the top right corner.

  2. Next, click on 'My account' in the dropdown menu.

  3. Navigate to 'Branding' on the left-hand side under the 'Webinars' tab.

  4. Here, click on 'Theme colors' and set up your Default webinar theme or Custom theme colors.

Webinar theme

Here you can set the default visual theme for your webinars. This applies to the pages where webinar participants participate in your webinar.

Setting up the Standard webinar theme in WebinarGeek

Toggling “All participants can toggle between light and dark mode. Default style from operating system is applied when possible.” Will allow participants to manually switch between the light and dark themes. WebinarGeek will use the default theme of the participant’s device.

If you allow participants to change their own theme, they will find a button in the bottom right corner to change themes during your webinars.

Change the webinar theme

Custom theme colors

Here you can set up your own colors. We'll mix and match them to create a pleasing combination. We won't use the exact colors you pick because we rely on color theory to find the best match.

Please note! Changes will not be applied until you hit save. Make sure the custom theme is enabled and click on 'Update theme colors'.

Setting custom theme colors in WebinarGeek
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