Make online learning impactful, engaging and fun. With the quiz option, you have the ability to create and give interactive lessons.
This is a great fit for schools, internal business training, coaching, pub quizzes and many more. This way of synchronous classes does not need any extra downloads.
Quizzes can be used in a variety of ways:
Use it in the beginning of the webinar to find out what your viewers know and don’t know.
After presenting a new subject to give viewers a chance to reinforce the learning.
Quizzes are also a great way to refer back to previous webinars to make sure viewers have retained key information.
Create quiz
Go to the webinar editor and choose 'Interactions'
Secondly select '+ Create interaction'
Finally select 'Quiz'.
You can choose to copy an existing quiz or create a new one.
Title for internal use
This title is only intended for internal use. Make sure to give it a name you can easily remember so you can start the intended interaction during the live webinar.
Result settings
You can pick from two methods to share the results with the viewers:
Show overall results to viewers. This will create a box with the percentage of right answers.
Show if the viewer answered correctly. This will show a green checkmark at the right answer.
You can also turn off both options. This means that the results won't be shared with the viewers.
Single or multiple choice quiz
Select your preferred 'Quiz type'. This can be either a single or multiple choice. For a single choice quiz, the viewer can choose one answer. A multiple-choice quiz allows viewers to select and send over multiple answers.
Add a question
Click on the text to edit and type out the question or statement.
Add answer options
Click on 'Add option' to add more answer options.
Click on the text to edit the individual options.
In order to remove an individual answer option, click on the trashbin icon.
To save your work, click left on the blue 'Create' button.
Default duration (live webinars)
You can set the amount of time the interaction should remain in view by default. You can change this duration during your live webinar or manually end the interaction early. See this article for additional information on how to start an interaction.
Pre-populated votes
The pre-populated votes function lets you configure an amount of pre-existing votes for quizzes. This makes your webinar look busier, which is especially useful for automated webinars.
When the setting is enabled, you can set a number of pre-existing correct and total votes for the quiz. These votes are then divided over the available answers when you click ‘Save’.
A quiz with pre-populated votes will start with the votes you have configured. With the example above, this means that viewers will always see at least 25 votes having been cast, of which at least 14 are correct, no matter if other attendees have voted yet or not. New votes add onto the totals.
Using pre-populated votes with multiple choice quizzes will randomly distribute the number of votes configured. The randomization can be redone by clicking ‘Save’ again.
Please note! When you edit the answers while pre-populated votes are already configured, you have to click ‘Save’ to redo the randomization process in order to save the changes.
When the quiz activates in the webinar’s replay, it will combine both the pre-populated and ‘real’ votes and show the total.
If you use the recording to create an automated or on demand webinar, quizzes with the pre-populated vote counts will be automatically created. You can always disable these quizzes in the new webinar’s settings.
Quiz - on demand and automated webinar
For an on demand and an automated webinar you need to set the start time, vote time and result settings for your quiz.
Click on 'Start time' and fill in the time the quiz should be started, then fill in the vote time and how long results should be displayed. 'Show results' means the number of minutes the results of the quiz are displayed after voting has ended.
Choose '+ Add time' to plan another starting moment and continue by filling in the start time, vote time and result settings.
After doing this, click 'Create' to generate the quiz. The quiz will now automatically start at the set time.
Edit or remove quiz
In the overview for 'Interactions', choose 'Edit' to edit your quiz. Everything you change will be auto-saved.
In the overview for 'Interactions', click on the arrow icon next to the quiz and choose 'Remove' to delete an interaction.
Start quiz
The created interactions can be manually started during a live webinar. Click here for more information on how to do this.
Quiz results
Viewers will be able to see the results after answering the quiz depending on your quiz result settings. You can also share the quiz results at a later point in the webinar, even if you haven't configured that in your settings. Read more about that here.
You’ll also be able to find quiz results after the webinar in the 'Statistics' section of your dashboard as a report.
Multiple choice quiz results
The question will only be marked as CORRECT if you have answered the exact same multiple right answers. We do not give half points if one out of two is correct.
In which 2 countries do people speak Dutch?
Possible answers: NL, BE, FR and ES. Right answers: NL & BE.
If someone votes NL & BE: correct answer in reports/assessment.
If someone votes NL: incorrect.
If someone votes NL, BE and FR: incorrect.
Assessment Quiz
The quizzes can also be used with our assessment tool. Click here for more information on how to do this.