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Offering a replay

A replay is a recording of your live webinar. After a webinar you have the choice to offer your replay to viewers and non-viewers.

Dina avatar
Written by Dina
Updated over 2 months ago

A replay is a recording of your live webinar. A recording of a live webinar is always created; you don’t have to do anything for it to happen.

After the webinar, you’ll always be able to watch the replay again at your own discretion. Participants can only view the replay if you make it available to them.

The recording starts when you begin the live webinar and it will stop the second you end the live webinar.

Please note! The interaction results shown to the viewer during the replay are made up of responses from replay viewers. These results are different from the live webinar.

Setting the replay availability for your webinar

Offering the replay

The option to offer the replay to viewers is turned on by default when creating a new webinar. You can click on the switch to stop offering the replay to your subscribers. You can always change this after the broadcast for each individual webinar in the replay settings.

Enable 'offer replay' function

Setting availability

Configure the standard settings for the replay for all (upcoming) live and automated broadcasts for your webinar during the creation process.

You are able to set a limited availability for your replay. To do this follow the steps:

  1. Click on your webinar.

  2. Click on 'Edit webinar'.

  3. Scroll down to 'Dates and times' under the 'General' tab.

  4. Click on 'Replay' > 'Settings' in the dropdown.

  5. Click on the switch next to 'Availability'.

  6. Choose the number of days the replay will be available for after your webinar ends. This is also possible for recurring live/automated broadcasts. In the case of recurring live broadcasts, you can also set a specific end date for replay availability.

Setting availability in days for the webinar.

Replay seeking

To enable viewers to seek through the replay, follow the steps:

  1. Click on your webinar.

  2. Click on 'Edit webinar'.

  3. Scroll down to 'Dates and times' under the 'General' tab.

  4. Click on 'Replay' > 'Settings' in the dropdown.

  5. Click on the switch next to 'Viewers can scroll in the video'.

The replay viewers will now be able to scroll forward or backward in the video.

Please note! It is not possible to scroll through video injections in the replay.

Replay playback speed

To enable viewers to adjust the playback speed of the replay, follow the steps:

  1. Click on your webinar.

  2. Click on 'Edit webinar'.

  3. Scroll down to 'Dates and times' under the 'General' tab.

  4. Click on 'Replay' > 'Settings' in the dropdown.

  5. Click on the switch next to 'Viewers can change playback speed'.

This allows replay viewers to watch the video at different playback speeds.

Replay public chat messages

To enable the setting to show the public chat messages in the replay, you can follow the following steps:

  1. Click on your webinar.

  2. Click on 'Edit webinar'.

  3. Scroll down to 'Dates and times' under the 'General' tab.

  4. Click on 'Replay' > 'Settings' in the dropdown.

  5. Click on the switch next to 'Chat in replay'.

The replay viewers will see all the public chat messages that were sent at that specific moment in the webinar.

Please note! This will only work for live webinars.

Replay Q&A

Questions and answers from the live webinars can be shown in the webinar’s replay. Follow these steps to enable this setting:

  1. Click on your webinar.

  2. Click on 'Edit webinar'.

  3. Scroll down to 'Dates and times' under the 'General' tab.

  4. Click on 'Replay' and choose ‘Settings’.

  5. Click on the switch next to 'Show Q&A in replay'.

The replay viewers will see all the questions and answers that were sent/given at that specific moment in the webinar.

Accept questions

This option is turned on by default when creating a new webinar. If you want to viewers to be able to ask questions during the replay, follow the following steps:

  1. Click on your webinar.

  2. Navigate to the broadcast of which you wish to enable questions for.

  3. Click on 'Replay' and choose ‘Settings’.

  4. Click on the switch next to 'Accept questions' and change the email address if needed.

The attendees will see a ‘Q&A’ tab next to the replay video where they can submit questions. You will receive these questions in the inbox of the email address you configured. You can always come back later and change these settings.

Tip! Do you want all of your broadcasts to have a replay that expires several days after the live broadcast, but don't want to configure it all one by one? You can change the replay settings for all broadcasts you'll create in the future by editing the default replay settings. Keep in mind that the default replay settings aren't applied to broadcasts that already existed.

Keywords: repeat

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