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Set up chapters

You can set chapters in your on-demand webinar, so viewers can skip to a specific chapter in your on demand webinar.

Dina avatar
Written by Dina
Updated over 10 months ago

You can set chapters in your on-demand webinar, so viewers can skip to a specific chapter in your on demand webinar.

Once you have set these up, the chapters will be visible in the timeline of your on demand webinar. Adding chapters to your on demand webinar

Adding chapters to your on demand webinar

Please note! Chapters are not visible if you have disabled the scrollbar.

Add chapters

  1. Select your on demand webinar and click on 'Edit webinar'.

  2. Navigate to the 'Webinar' section.

  3. Click on 'Chapters'.

    'Chapters' page when editing a webinar

  4. Then click on 'Add chapter'. Set a name for your chapter and a time when this chapter appears in the timeline. The time should be in the following format: hh: mm: ss (hour, minute, second).

    Adding chapters

The viewer can see the chapters you create on the timeline during the webinar. Each chapter is marked by its own bar.

How chapters show on the timeline of your on demand webinar

The viewer is also able to skip to certain chapters in the sidebar under the 'Chapters' section.

Edit / Delete chapters

  1. Select your on demand webinar and click on 'Edit webinar'.

  2. Navigate to the 'Webinar' section.

  3. Click on 'Chapters'.

  4. Click on 'Options' next to your chapter to edit or delete it.

Keywords: part, parts, pieces

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