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Watch without registration

Set up a direct link to view the webinar without registration. Opt to either require a first name or no information.

Dina avatar
Written by Dina
Updated over 7 months ago

Set up a direct link to view the webinar without registration. Opt to either require a first name or no information.

The link redirects the visitor to the next or current broadcast. Think carefully about where you share the link because it can result in many viewers at once.

To set up this link, follow the steps:

  1. Click on your webinar.

  2. Click on 'Edit webinar'.

  3. Navigate to 'Registration' > 'Registration page'.

  4. Click on the switch next to 'Enable direct link'.

  5. Click on the switch next to 'Require first name' if you want to apply the first name registration field as required.

If no first name is known, we generate a unique name for each viewer to use in the chat and interactions.

Watch without registration settings

There are a few points to keep in mind:

  • No emails will be sent to anyone entering the webinar with the direct link. There is no registration and they don't enter their email address, thus it's impossible to set up follow-up mails.

  • This option is not available for paid webinars.

  • Share the public link with care. The anonymous viewers cannot be sent a replay afterwards because no email address is known.

  • Interactions are visible to the viewer. Statistics are also kept. This on the basis of the entered data, such as the filled-in or automatically generated name.

  • Regarding the statistics: if you refresh the page, you will be seen as the same viewer. However, when you log in again you will be seen as a new viewer.

Please note! Both anonymous viewers and viewers who fill in a first name can be seen in CSV and in the statistics, but no email is known.

Prefill first name

If you want to prefill the participant's first name as soon as they come to the page, you can do this via the 'firstname' parameter in the URL. Fill this query variable with the name of the participant and it will be entered in the first name field automatically.

prefixed link

prefill example
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