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Uploading or adding videos
Uploading or adding videos

All details on how to upload an external video for your automated or on demand webinar. Or use them for video injection.

Dina avatar
Written by Dina
Updated over 11 months ago

Upload Requirements:

  • You can use the following files: .mp4, .m4v, .mov, .qt, .mpg, .mpeg, .mpv, .wmv, .avi, .mkv, .flv, .webm

  • The maximum size of the file you can upload is 5 GB.

  • The video file must comply with our terms and conditions.

Recommendations for optimal quality:

  • Resolution:

    • At least 1280x720 pixels.

    • Optimally, 1920x1080.

    • If you upload a video larger than 1920x1080, we scale it down to a resolution of 1920x1080.

  • An aspect ratio of 16:9 (landscape).

  • A video bitrate of at least 2 Mbps, ideally 5 Mbps.

  • When exporting a video from a video editor, it is recommended that you use a stable bitrate setting rather than a variable one. Otherwise, the video might be of lower quality in terms of sharpness or color.

At the moment there is no limit to the number of videos you can upload, we apply a fair use policy. If a limit is introduced in the future we will always communicate this in advance.

Please note! When using a phone to record a video for WebinarGeek, make sure to record the video in landscape mode (horizontally). If you record a video in portrait mode (vertically), the video will be on its side when shown in WebinarGeek. If you really want to show a video in portrait mode, you'll have to edit the video yourself or upload it to YouTube first.

Uploading video

This is the recommended method of adding videos.

  1. At the top of the main menu, click 'Videos'

  2. Then '+ New Video'. You will be given the option to record a live webinar or upload a file.

Video creation options
Video creation options
  1. Click 'Upload'

  2. Then 'Choose a video file' to select a file from your computer.

Once you have selected a recording, you will be shown how far along the upload is. The larger the file, the longer the upload will take. This can take up to 1 hour.

The video is converted to different qualities and resolutions so that viewers can always play the video, even if their connection isn't great.

Please note! Do not close the pop-up window or your browser. Otherwise the upload will be canceled.

Progress bar uploading a video

You can read how to create a recording through WebinarGeek here.

Add video through external URL

  1. At the top of the main menu, click 'Videos'

  2. Then '+ New Video'. You will be given the option to record a live webinar, to upload a file or to add a video through entering an external URL.

Please note! We recommend uploading your video to WebinarGeek instead.

Video creation options

Click on ‘External URL’ and a new window will appear.

Under ‘Title’, fill in the title you want to give the video. This is an internal title that only you will be able to see, so pick a title which allows you to easily identify the video.

Under ‘Video URL’, fill in the URL of the video you want to add. This can be a URL of a YouTube video, a link to an external MP4 video or a link to a HLS video. You can read more about these options and the requirements for the videos here.

When everything is properly filled in, press ‘Add video’ to add the video to your WebinarGeek account.

Adding an external video

Additional users

Uploaded videos are always visible to the owner and manager users.

If you have additional users in your account, you can also make the video available to all member users.

Uploading a video for all users option

You can still change this option after uploading the video. Do this by clicking on the 'Options' button next to the video and then on 'Edit details'.

Editing video details

In the video overview the icon depicting two figures means that the video is visible to all users.

Person icon, indicating that the video is visible for all users

Use videos for automated or on demand webinars

Use your uploaded video for your automated or on demand webinar.

Using the videos for automated webinar, dropdown on webinar page showing all the videos
  1. Click on your webinar and go to 'Edit webinar'. In the webinar wizard, click on 'Webinar'.

  2. Select a recording from the drop down menu under 'Import video' and click 'Save'. If you've used a YouTube video as an automated or on demand webinar, this recording will also be in the list and you don't have to search for the link to add the video.

Please note! Always test the recording. You can do this after your webinar is published by clicking 'Dry run' In the webinar dashboard.

Using videos for video injection

It is possible to use uploaded videos and YouTube videos for video injections during your live webinar. Check this article to see how to do this.

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