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Edit email

Use our email editor to customize your emails to suit your brand's identity.

Dewi avatar
Written by Dewi
Updated over 7 months ago

Are you still using the old editor? Check out our old article instead or change to the new editor.

To open the email editor, follow these steps:

  1. Click on your webinar.

  2. Click on 'Edit webinar'.

  3. Navigate to 'Emails'.

  4. Click on your email and click on 'Edit email'.

Entering the email editor

When you first open the email editor, you will be greeted with that email’s default template.

It's possible to change the content and look of the email to match your corporate identity. You will be able to edit your email at any moment and your progress will always be automatically saved.


Each email consists of multiple blocks that together form a complete email. A block is a section for your email in which you can place content like text, images and buttons.

Adding blocks

You can freely add additional blocks, duplicate existing blocks or remove blocks to your liking.

To add a block, press ‘Blocks’ on the right side of the screen.

You will see multiple block layouts. Choose the one you want to use and drag it to the desired position.

Adding a new block to an email

Blocks with multiple columns allow you to put multiple types of content in one row, such as a row consisting of two images and two text blocks.

Changing a block’s background color

When you add a new block, the background will automatically be the same color as the email.

If you want a specific background color for the block, select the block and scroll down to ‘Column Properties’ in the sidebar, then change the color at ‘Background Color’.

Changing the background color of a block

Please note! If you’re using a block with multiple columns, you have to set the background color for each column separately.

Duplicating blocks

You can also add new blocks by duplicating existing ones. This will make an exact copy of the existing block.

Select the block in question and click the duplicate icon.

Moving blocks

Any block can be moved to a different position in the email.

Select the block in question. Now press the arrow icon to the right of the block and drag and drop it to the desired position.

Moving blocks in the email

Please note! Don’t move the block that contains the watch link, ‘add to calendar’ link, broadcast time and unsubscribe link or they'll stop working.

Removing blocks

To remove a block from your email, select the block in question and click the bin icon.

Removing content from blocks in the email

The first time you do this only the content of the block will be deleted. Repeat the process to also delete the block itself.

Removing a block from the email

Please note! Don’t remove the block that contains the watch link, ‘add to calendar’ link, broadcast time and unsubscribe link because it cannot be replicated.

Adding content

After adding a block, you can add content.

To add content, press ‘Content’ on the right side of the screen.

You will see multiple types of content you add to your email. Each is discussed below:


The ‘Columns’ content has the same function as the blocks mentioned above. We recommend using ‘Blocks’ for adding blocks rather than the ‘Columns’. Read more about adding blocks to your email here.


The ‘Button’ content allows you to place a button in your email.

To add a button, press ‘Button’ and then drag and drop it to the desired position.

Select the button block and a new window will open on the right side of the screen. This window allows you to modify the action and appearance of your button.

Configuring the button action

There are four options for the button:

  • Open Website: Redirects the user to a website when pressed.

  • Send Email: Redirects the user to sending an email when pressed.

  • Call Phone Number: Redirects the user to calling a phone number when pressed.

  • Send SMS: Redirects the user to sending a SMS when pressed.

You can change the button colors under ‘Button Options’.


The ‘Divider’ content allows you to place a divider (a horizontal line) in your email.

To add a divider, press ‘Divider’ and then drag and drop it to the desired position.

Select the divider block and a new window will open on the right side of the screen. This window allows you to modify the appearance of your divider, such as the color.


The ‘Heading’ content allows you to place a header in your email.

To add a header, press ‘Heading’ and then drag and drop it to the desired position.

You can edit the header’s text by selecting the header block. A text layout window will appear.

Text editing window when editing Header content

  1. Bold text: Make the text bold.

  2. Italicize text: Make the text italic.

  3. Underline text: Underline the text.

  4. Strikethrough text: Add a strikethrough over the text.

  5. Subscript: Change the text to subscript.

  6. Superscript: Change the text to superscript.

  7. Add/modify link: Add or modify a link in the text.

  8. Remove link: Remove the selected link from the text.

  9. Add emoji: Add an emoji to the text.

  10. Add merge tags: Add merge tags to the text. Merge tags are pieces of text that are replaced by certain data of the recipient, such as their name.

Other settings for the header can be changed in the new window that opens on the right side of the screen when selecting the header block. This window allows you to modify heading type, font family, font size, font color and more.


The ‘HTML’ content allows you to place a HTML code block in your email.

To add a HTML code block, press ‘HTML’ and then drag and drop it to the desired position.

Select the HTML block and a new window will open on the right side of the screen. This window allows you to modify the HTML code to display.

Configuration sidebar for HTML content


The ‘Image’ content allows you to place an image in your email.

To add an image, press ‘Image’ and then drag and drop it to the desired position.

Now you want to upload an image. Select the image block and a new window will open on the right side of the screen.

Press ‘Upload image’, upload a new image or choose the existing image you want to use and then click ‘Save’.

Configuration sidebar for Image content

You can also change other settings in this window, such as the ‘Alternate Text’ for the image. The alternate text is what screen readers read aloud.

If you aren’t happy with the way your image looks, you can press ‘Apply Effects & More’ to edit it. Read more about that here.


The ‘Menu’ content allows you to place a menu in your email.

To add a menu, press ‘Menu’ and then drag and drop it to the desired position.

Now you want to add menu items. Select the menu block and a new window will open on the right side of the screen.

Configuration sidebar for Menu content

This window allows you to add menu items to the block and modify the appearance of your menu. Each menu item can have a different action.

The four actions for menu items are:

  • Open Website: Redirects the user to a website when pressed.

  • Send Email: Redirects the user to sending an email when pressed.

  • Call Phone Number: Redirects the user to calling a phone number when pressed.

  • Send SMS: Redirects the user to sending a SMS when pressed.


The ‘Text’ content allows you to place text in your email.

To add text, press ‘Text’ and then drag and drop it to the desired position.

You can edit the text by selecting the text block. A text layout window will appear.

Text editing window when editing Text content

  1. Font type: Change the font type of the text.

  2. Font size: Change the size of the text.

  3. Bold text: Make the text bold.

  4. Italicize text: Make the text italic.

  5. Underline text: Underline the text.

  6. Strikethrough text: Add a strikethrough over the text.

  7. Subscript: Change the text to subscript.

  8. Superscript: Change the text to superscript.

  9. Add emoji: Add an emoji to the text.

  10. Align text to the left: Align the text to the left.

  11. Align text to the center: Center the text.

  12. Align text to the right: Align the text to the right.

  13. Justify text: Give your text straight edges on both sides of the paragraph.

  14. Bulleted list: Add a bulleted list.

  15. Numbered list: Add a numbered list.

  16. Font color: Change the color of the text.

  17. Marker color: Mark the text with the chosen color.

  18. Left-to-right paragraph: Style the text to be read from left to right.

  19. Right-to-left paragraph: Style the text to be read from right to left.

  20. Add/modify link: Add or modify a link in the text.

  21. Remove link: Remove the selected link from the text.

  22. Add merge tag: Add merge tags to the text. Merge tags are pieces of text that are replaced by certain data of the recipient, such as their name.

Other settings for the text can be changed in the new window that opens on the right side of the screen when selecting the text block.


The 'Timer' content allows you to place a countdown timer into your webinar emails. Create a sense of excitement as the recipients wait for the webinar to start.

To add a countdown, press 'Timer' and then drag and drop it to the desired position.

Select the timer block and a new window will open on the right side of the screen. This window allows you to modify the appearance of your timer, such as the color. Here you can also configure the date and time the timer counts down to.


The video embedding feature allows you to include videos seamlessly within your email campaigns. Whether it's a product demonstration, a customer testimonial, or an event teaser, you can now share video content directly in your emails to captivate your audience.

To add a video, press 'Video' and then drag and drop it to the desired position.

Select the video block and a new window will open on the right side of the screen. Paste the link to the desired video under 'Video URL'.

Removing content

To remove the content from a block in your email, select the block in question and click the bin icon.

Removing the content from a block in your email

Saving a block for later use

The new editor comes with a handy feature that lets you save any blocks from your emails, which you can later drag and drop into new emails from the ‘Blocks’ menu. This allows you to save sections of your emails that you frequently use, making the customization of emails easier and faster.

Enter the email editor for the email you’d like to save a block for.

Click to the side of the block you want to save and press the ‘Save’ button.

Saving an email block

A window will open where you can set a category for the saved block and give it tags to make it easier to find. Enter the desired category name and any tags you want to give it, then click ‘Save’.

Configuring the saved block's category and tags

The block will now be saved in your ‘Blocks’ menu in the sidebar. You can modify the category or tags at any time by pressing the three dots when hovering over the saved block.

Want to place the block in an email? Simply drag and drop the block into your email.

How the saved block is shown in the 'Blocks' sidebar menu

You can find this saved block in the editor for every email, so you can use this method to easily copy specific parts from one email to another, even between different webinars!

Editing images

Not happy with how your image looks in the email? You can easily edit it inside the editor.

After choosing your image, press ‘Apply Effects & More’.

Entering the image editor

An editing window will appear. This window lets you edit the image to your liking.

Image editing window

Here is a short explanation of what every option does:

  1. Zoom: Allows you to zoom in or out to make the editing process easier.

  2. Undo: Allows you to undo the previous change.

  3. Redo: Allows you to redo the previously undone change.

  4. History: Shows you the editing history of the image.

  5. Filter: Add a filter to the image.

  6. Resize: Resize the image.

  7. Crop: Crop the image.

  8. Transform: Rotate or mirror the image.

  9. Draw: Draw on the image.

  10. Text: Add text to the image.

  11. Shapes: Add shapes to the image.

  12. Stickers: Add stickers to the image.

  13. Frame: Add a frame to the image.

  14. Corners: Add rounded corners to the image.

  15. Background: Change the background that appears in the transparent parts of the image.

Editing an image with the image editor

Happy with the changes? Click ‘Save’ and the image in the email will change to reflect your edits.

Device-specific versions of emails

Each email has a desktop and mobile view. You can view and edit both in the editor. It’s even possible to hide specific blocks from specific devices.

Previewing the mobile version

To preview how the email will look to recipients who are viewing it on mobile devices, select any of the blocks in the email and then click on the ‘Mobile’ button at the top of the sidebar that appears.

Please note! It’s possible to edit the email in the mobile-view mode, but not all styling options will be available.

Hiding email blocks from mobile version

Want a specific block to show up for recipients who view the email on their desktop but not to recipients who view the email on their mobile device? It’s possible to hide blocks from specific device types.

Select the block you want to hide and a sidebar will open on the right side of the screen.

Press ‘Mobile’ on the top of the sidebar.

Scroll down to ‘Responsive Design’ and switch ‘Hide on Mobile’ to on.

The selected block will now be hidden on mobile devices.

Hiding email blocks from desktop version

Want a specific block to show up for recipients who view the email on their mobile device but not to recipients who view the email on their desktop? It’s possible to hide blocks from specific device types.

Select the block you want to hide and a sidebar will open on the right side of the screen.

Scroll down to ‘Responsive Design’ and switch ‘Hide on Desktop’ to on.

The selected block will now be hidden on desktops.

Apply an existing template

To copy an existing email template to a previously created email go to ‘Edit webinar’ > ‘Emails’ and select an email. Open the editor and click ‘⇄ Apply existing template’. You will be prompted to choose a webinar and email template to copy to your existing email.

Only the template will be copied, email settings will not be copied. So, make sure to schedule your email after copying the template.

Reset template

Sometimes, you may make mistakes while editing the email that aren’t easy to revert. In this situation, you might want to reset the template.

In order to restore an email to the default template, press ‘Reset to template’ at the top of the screen, then click ‘OK’ to confirm.

Resetting an email and using the new editor for it

Please note! This removes all of the changes you’ve made to the layout and text. This is permanent and cannot be undone.

Using the new editor for an old email

Do you have an old email that’s still using the old editor? To use the new editor for old emails you will have to reset the email to the default template with the ‘Reset and use new editor' button.

Edit the webinar and navigate to the ‘Emails’ category. Now click the email in question and open the editor.

Click ‘Reset and use new editor’ on top of the page.

Please note! Pressing the ‘Reset and use new editor’ button will remove all of the changes you’ve made to the email. The old layout and text cannot be recovered if you click this button. You also can’t revert the email to the old editor.

Frequently asked questions

What is the ‘Body’ tab for?

The ‘Body’ tab allows you to change the styling for the whole email at once. This can be confusing, so we recommend only modifying the ‘Body’ settings if you’re experienced with email editors.

Besides changing the styling, under this tab you can also add a preheader to your email. You can read more about that here.

What is the ‘Images’ tab for?

The ‘Images’ tab allows you to add pre-existing images to your emails that were created to be free for use. You can search for keywords and it will find images fitting that keyword for you to use without any hassle. Furthermore, you can generate images using AI by using prompts. Click on the green button 'See the Magic' to prompt the AI.

Searching image library

What is the ‘Audit’ tab for?

The ‘Audit’ tab gives you warnings about issues in your email design and content. It’s a smart move to check this before finalizing your email so that you’re sure the recipients receive it properly.

Why is there a notification on my ‘Audit’ tab?

This means that the editor found an issue with your email design and/or content.

Press ‘Audit’ and you will be greeted with short descriptions of the issues that have been found.

You can see additional information about the issue and why it can be a problem by clicking the short description.

Please note! While it’s not required, we recommend that you solve the issues found in the ‘Audit’ tab.

I'm getting an error about variables, how do I fix it?

Getting an error regarding variables means that one of the merge tags in your email is incorrectly formatted.

Tip! You can use the 'Merge Tags' dropdown menu when editing your text to prevent this from happening. Variables added through this method will always be correct.

To solve the issue, check all of your variables for errors one by one. If the mistake isn't apparent, remove the variables and re-add them with the 'Merge Tags' menu.

Below is a list of common reasons a variable might break:

  • Pasting the variable from another application, such as Microsoft Word.

  • Formatting part of the variable, but not the entire variable. For example, making 'first_name' bold, but not the bracket.

  • A typing mistake in the variable. For example, 'firstname' instead of 'first_name'.

Keywords: unlayer

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