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Advanced HubSpot workflows
Advanced HubSpot workflows

We explain and guide you through several advanced HubSpot usages.

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Written by Dina
Updated over a week ago

Segment and follow up

You can segment contacts on the basis of all events and custom properties we synchronize between HubSpot and WebinarGeek. This allows you to create a ‘Smart List’ and use all WebinarGeek properties for it.

For example, if want to find all people that watched your webinar for longer than 5 minutes, this will be easy using segmentation:

Segmenting in HubSpot based on watch time

Contact properties can also be used for this purpose. For example, create a list of viewers that watched a webinar in the last month, and create a custom workflow for this list.

Segmenting in Hubspot based on amount of webinars viewed in the past month

Here are some examples of workflows you can build with segmentation:

  • Look up all contacts that registered for the webinar but didn’t watch it and send them a follow-up email.

  • Look up all the contacts that are the most engaged with your webinars (viewing, polls, call to actions etc.).

  • Follow up on contacts that clicked on the call to action, asked questions or filled in other forms.

  • Filter the contacts based on the people that valued the webinars the lowest or highest on the basis of the evaluation form.

Use HubSpot to send webinar confirmation emails

It's possible to send your own custom confirmation emails through HubSpot instead of using the confirmation emails in WebinarGeek. You can achieve this by using custom properties, marketing emails and a custom workflow.

Please note! This doesn’t work for webinar series because registrations for a series arrive simultaneously in HubSpot.

  1. First, you need to create an email to use as a confirmation email, it will need to be an 'Automated' email. You need to use two properties here:

    1. 'Last Registered Webinar Local Datetime', which is the date and time the webinar takes place in the timezone of the subscriber.

    2. 'Last Registered Webinar Link', which is the unique viewing link to watch the webinar for the subscriber.

    Configuring a confirmation email in HubSpot

  2. You can add custom properties using the ‘Personalize’ option. Keep in mind that when it’s an on demand webinar there is no 'Last Registered Webinar Local Datetime' because an on demand webinar has no date.

  3. For the 'Watch webinar' button, click on the button to edit it and then use the URL:


    1. If you want the link to redirect on the ‘Add to calendar’ page, use this as URL: {{contact.last_registered_webinar_link}}?add_to_calendar=1

    Editing a button to redirect to the webinar viewing page in a HubSpot email

  4. Create a workflow that sends the email as soon as a contact subscribes to a (new) webinar.

    1. Create a workflow with a Contact property enrollment trigger, to trigger when property 'Last Registered Webinar Link' equals 'is known'. This ensures that it triggers every time someone registers to a webinar.

    2. As action, send the email you just created.

      Setting the send email action in HubSpot

    3. Click on the enrollment trigger and then go to the 'Re-enrollment' settings. Allow contacts who meet the criteria to re-enroll to your workflow. This ensures that when a contact subscribes for a second webinar later a new confirmation email is successfully sent.

    Configuring the enrollment criteria for a mailing list in HubSpot

  5. Go to your webinar in WebinarGeek, click 'Edit webinar', click on 'Emails' and then edit the confirmation email to disable it.

You can now register for your webinar and if all went well an email is now sent through HubSpot confirming the registration. You can verify this through a contact’s timeline, which is also a good place to go to see if all went well:

Timeline event showing that an email has been sent

Multiple viewing links for HubSpot contacts

You naturally want your viewers to receive the right link if you have registrations running for multiple webinars. Because only the latest webinar viewing link is available in HubSpot as Contact Property, you’ll have to save each viewing link separately when there are multiple viewing links for a single contact.

Below is an example of an Automation Workflow with which the viewing links are saved in a separate property so that you can use them in your emails both individually and simultaneously.

Using an automation workflow in HubSpot to save multiple viewing links for a subscriber

The Automation Workflow above ensures that, when the ‘Last registered link’ is known, this will be saved in a new property based on the title, in this case Webinar A or Webinar B. You could also, for example, split that based on date. Once the automation is done, the links for each webinar will automatically be placed in the property.

You can choose to create new properties for saving the links in the Workflow.

Sending confirmation emails for both live and on demand webinars

If you are sending confirmation emails for both on demand and live webinars, then you may want to make the section in the email about the date and time conditional, as this does not apply to on demand webinars. A way to do this would be to add an if/then branch to your workflow. If the webinar link contains the word "ondemand" then the registration is for an on demand webinar, so you could send a different email not containing the date and time if that condition is met.

Setting a condition HubSpot in case of on demand webinars

About reminder and follow-up emails

It should, in theory, also be possible to send reminder and follow-up emails through HubSpot, but this requires more complex workflows. You could, for instance, create a workflow that triggers when the 'Last Registered Webinar Date' is one day away for a contact, and then send a one-day reminder email using the 'Last Registered Webinar Link'. However, if a contact subscribes to another webinar in the meantime, this will not work as these properties are then both updated. Unfortunately, HubSpot does not allow timeline properties to be used in emails, as that would make this all possible.

Use a marketing opt-in field for HubSpot

You can use WebinarGeek’s consent field feature as a marketing opt-in field for your HubSpot integration. Read this article to learn more about creating marketing opt-in fields on both account and webinar level.

How the marketing opt-in field works with HubSpot

When someone subscribes to a webinar with the marketing opt-in consent field, HubSpot will receive data on whether the user checked the consent checkbox or not. This data is forwarded to HubSpot as a property with the name ‘last_registered_marketing_optin’.

Please note! This property saves the consent data for the most recent webinar the user subscribed to. Subscribing to another webinar afterwards will overwrite the data.

If someone checks the consent checkbox, the property will be set to ‘Yes’.

Should they not check the consent checkbox, it will be set to ‘No’.

If there is no consent checkbox on the registration page, the property will be empty.

Please note! Most HubSpot accounts will make use of this property automatically, but some might have to configure it manually. Please contact us on the chat if you experience any trouble.

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