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Connect with HubSpot so that (non-)viewers are automatically added to your mailing lists, or subscribe people through HubSpot forms.

Dina avatar
Written by Dina
Updated over a week ago

HubSpot is a popular system for inbound marketing and sales. An important part of the HubSpot tools is the CRM system, which allows you to manage your products and the interactions between your company and your customers.

Connecting WebinarGeek with HubSpot allows you to automatically synchronize data between the two. This data can then be used to follow up with leads or segment contacts. Experience the power of WebinarGeek together with HubSpot!

HubSpot is available as an add-on in Premium plans and included by default in Enterprise plans. Take a look at our pricing page for more information.

How does HubSpot work with WebinarGeek?

Connecting WebinarGeek with HubSpot automatically lays the foundation for the integration. This means you’ll immediately be able to take advantage of the following:

  • All the webinar registrations are automatically registered or updated in HubSpot.

  • All the viewing behavior and all actions of the webinar viewers will automatically be sent over to HubSpot as events. Think polls, calls to action, questions, evaluation forms, and data such as watch time.

  • Every contact in HubSpot will get custom properties, a list of which can be found here. These can then be used to segment your contacts.

A HubSpot contact's timeline

Connecting HubSpot

Follow these steps to connect WebinarGeek with HubSpot:

  1. Click ‘Account’ in the top right.

  2. Click ‘Integrations’.

  3. Choose ‘HubSpot’.

  4. Click ‘Connect’.

    Connecting HubSpot in WebinarGeek

  5. Select your HubSpot account if necessary, otherwise skip to step 6.

    This screen only shows up if the HubSpot username is associated with more than one account.

    Choosing the HubSpot account to connect to WebinarGeek

  6. Grant WebinarGeek permission to access your HubSpot account by clicking ‘Connect app’.

    WebinarGeek requires multiple permissions to properly connect with HubSpot. The connection page will tell you exactly which permissions are required and prompt you to accept the request.

    Granting permissions to HubSpot

  7. You will be redirected to WebinarGeek. The connection is now complete and some basic triggers have been created.

Disconnecting HubSpot

Disconnecting HubSpot from WebinarGeek is quick and easy. Follow these steps:

  1. Click ‘Account’ in the top right.

  2. Click ‘Integrations’.

  3. Choose ‘HubSpot’.

  4. Click ‘Options’

  5. Choose ‘Disconnect HubSpot’

Disconnecting HubSpot

Please note! Disconnecting HubSpot means that your triggers will be lost. They must be recreated if you ever connect HubSpot again.

Uninstall WebinarGeek from a HubSpot account

WebinarGeek will remain in the applications of your HubSpot account. To remove it from your list of HubSpot applications, follow the steps outlined in HubSpot’s ‘Uninstall an App’ article.

Uninstalling WebinarGeek from HubSpot

Removing data related to webinars and subscriptions

Disconnecting HubSpot automatically removes your HubSpot triggers and trigger history, but data related to webinars and subscriptions will not be deleted. This data can be manually deleted by following the steps in our ‘Remove subscriber data’ article.

Data created in HubSpot by WebinarGeek will be kept intact as well. This includes data such as contacts, companies and WebinarGeek properties. If you wish to remove this data, you will have to do so within HubSpot.


Triggers are what order the integration to synchronize data between WebinarGeek and HubSpot. When a certain event is triggered, this trigger will ensure that a process is executed afterwards.

List of available triggers

The following triggers are available for HubSpot:

  • New registration

  • Unsubscribed from webinar

  • New viewer

  • New live viewer

  • New replay viewer

  • New viewer started watching

  • Broadcast canceled

  • New poll vote

  • New quiz answer

  • New call to action

  • New evaluation form

  • New webinar question box message

  • Assessment successful

  • No show

  • New chat messages after webinar

  • New Q&A question

  • HubSpot: New form submission

You can check out our ‘Triggers’ article for more information about these triggers.

Click here for more information about the ‘New form submission’ trigger.


Actions are what the software is ordered to do when a trigger is fired. You can, for example, configure that a contact is added to a CRM list when they sign up for a webinar.

List of available actions

The following actions are available for HubSpot:

  • Post event to timeline

    Posts an update about the event in question to a contact’s timeline in HubSpot.

  • Add contact to CRM list

    Adds the contact from the event to a CRM list in HubSpot.

  • Synchronize marketing event activity

    Synchronizes the activity to the marketing event in HubSpot.

Please note! Different triggers have different available actions. For example, the ‘New quiz answer’ trigger cannot be used to synchronize marketing event activity. You can check which actions are available for which trigger in the account.

The ‘HubSpot: New form submission’ has different actions because it’s a trigger based on something happening in HubSpot. They are:

  • Subscribe to a single webinar

    Subscribes the contact to a single webinar in WebinarGeek.

  • Subscribe to a webinar series

    Subscribes the contact to a webinar series in WebinarGeek.

Read more about configuring triggers in our ‘Triggers’ article.

Default triggers

Connecting HubSpot to WebinarGeek immediately creates a set of default triggers. The following triggers are created:



New registration

Post event to timeline

New registration

Synchronize marketing event activity

New viewer

Post event to timeline

New viewer

Synchronize marketing event activity

Unsubscribed from webinar

Synchronize marketing event activity

Broadcast canceled

Cancel marketing event

New poll vote

Post event to timeline

New quiz answer

Post event to timeline

New call to action

Post event to timeline

New evaluation form

Post event to timeline

New webinar question box message

Post event to timeline

In short, this means that your connection between WebinarGeek and HubSpot will, by default, keep track of registrations, viewers and interactions without requiring any manual configuration.

If you need additional triggers you can add them yourself. Read more about that here.

You can also remove any triggers you don’t need. Read more about that here.

Post event to timeline

The most commonly used action for HubSpot triggers is ‘Post event to timeline’. This utilizes the powerful HubSpot Timeline API to send over events with packages of information on the basis of viewer and registration behavior.

A timeline post in HubSpot

You can find the data that this trigger forwards to HubSpot by opening the contact in your HubSpot interface and viewing their timeline.

Please note! You might need to enable the WebinarGeek integration in your timeline filters in order to see the events, like in the screenshot below.

Timeline filters in HubSpot

Fields sent to HubSpot

The following information is sent to HubSpot if provided on the participant’s registration form:

  • First name

  • Last name

  • Email address

  • Company name

  • Job title

  • Country

  • State/province

  • City

  • Zip code

  • Street

  • House number

  • Phone number

We also include the date and time of the webinar and the participant’s unique watch link.

If you need more data to be sent to HubSpot, you can do this with our Zapier integration.

Please note! Custom fields are only included as timeline properties. Custom registration fields are sent along with the trigger 'New registration'. You can view the data but can't use it for workflows or personalization.

Contact properties

As soon as an event occurs for someone, we will create a WebinarGeek 'contact group' within your HubSpot contacts. Here, we save the following data:

  • Last registered webinar date

    The date and time of the webinar someone registered for most recently.

  • Last registered webinar name

    The name of that webinar.

  • Last viewed webinar date

    The date and time of the webinar someone watched most recently.

  • Last viewed webinar name

    The name of that webinar.

  • Last registered webinar local datetime

    The date and time of the webinar the contact has registered to most recently, represented in the date and timezone of that subscriber.

  • Last registered webinar link

    The unique viewing link of the webinar that subscriber registered for most recently.

  • Last registered marketing opt-in

    Whether or not the subscriber consented to marketing campaigns on the webinar they subscribed to most recently.

  • Last registered webinar source

    The custom registration link the subscriber used for the webinar they subscribed to most recently.

The HubSpot properties will only be added with the trigger 'Post event to timeline'. When only adding the contact to a CRM list, the properties will not be filled.

Please note! Last registered webinar local datetime and link will only be forwarded for registrations made after March 1, 2021.

Exclusive features

Our HubSpot integration has a few features that aren’t available in other integrations. We explain them in this section.

Register webinar participants with HubSpot forms

Please note! If you want to use HubSpot forms for new registrations and your HubSpot integration was already set up before July 22, 2019, please reconnect HubSpot to grant additional permissions. This can be achieved by clicking 'Options' next to HubSpot on the integration page and then clicking 'Reconnect HubSpot'.

You can use HubSpot forms to gather registrations for your webinars and automatically forward said registrations to WebinarGeek. Follow the steps below to configure this:

  1. Click ‘Account’ in the top right.

  2. Click ‘Integrations’.

  3. Choose ‘HubSpot’.

  4. Click ‘New trigger’.

  5. Choose ‘HubSpot: New form submission’.

  6. Select ‘Subscribe to single webinar’ for a single webinar or ‘Subscribe to a webinar series’ for a webinar series.

  7. Select the HubSpot form that should be used to gather registrations.

  8. Select the webinar (series) the registrations should be forwarded to.

  9. Click ‘Add trigger’.

Adding a new HubSpot form submission trigger

Optionally, you can also enter the URL of the page where the form is completed. This URL can be from a HubSpot page, but it can also be a URL on an external website. This grants you an unlimited number of options for having webinar registrations received and processed via HubSpot.

Make sure you enter the full URL including "https://". Also, keep in mind that we get rid of everything in the URL after a question mark (?) or hashtag (#) when we process the forms. Therefore, you should not fill in or use this part of the URL.

Please note! Subscriptions that come from HubSpot forms will always use the timezone set in your WebinarGeek account. Keep this in mind when sending emails, as it means variables based on timezone might mismatch the subscriber’s local timezone.

Important details about HubSpot form submissions

  • Only marketing, pop-up and captured forms are supported.

  • WebinarGeek only processes the ‘first name’, ‘last name’, ‘email’ and ‘company’ fields from the HubSpot form.

  • The fields ‘email’ and ‘first name’ must be in your HubSpot form at all times. If you’ve made the ‘last name’ or ‘company’ data mandatory fields within WebinarGeek, these must also be in the form.

  • You cannot use ‘progressive fields’ in your HubSpot form.

  • New registrations will be processed within 5 minutes. The confirmation email will be sent once they’re processed.

  • You cannot use HubSpot to send confirmation emails if you’re using a HubSpot form to gather registrations.

  • The trigger does not work retroactively. If your HubSpot form already had submissions before you created the trigger, these will not be forwarded.

  • HubSpot registrations receive 'HubSpot' as the value for the registration source in the field of registration, so you can measure exactly who comes from HubSpot.

HubSpot marketing events

HubSpot marketing events are a way to have an overview of your web-based events like webinars. Hosting these takes quite a bit of effort and marketing events allow you to easily review if your time and resources were well spent.

See which of your events have a higher ROI (return of investment) than others and if an event had the desired result that you were hoping for. The marketing event activity shows you how many people registered for an event as well as whether they attended, canceled or missed it.

Setting up the marketing events integration

First, you’ll have to connect HubSpot to WebinarGeek. You can follow the steps earlier in this article to do so.

Four triggers related to marketing event activity will be created automatically upon connecting HubSpot. These are created on account level, meaning that they’ll apply to all webinars within your account. If you want to exclude a webinar from this, please look into disabling account-level triggers for individual webinars.



New registration

Synchronize marketing event activity

New viewer

Synchronize marketing event activity

Unsubscribed from webinar

Synchronize marketing event activity

Broadcast canceled

Cancel marketing event

All four of these are required for a proper connection with HubSpot’s marketing events. You can easily add them back in case you accidentally remove one of the triggers.

Please note! Was your HubSpot integration set up before June 4th, 2022? You will have to reconnect the HubSpot integration to grant us new permissions.

Important details about HubSpot marketing events

  • The marketing event gets created in HubSpot after the webinar receives its first registration.

  • If you change the title of the webinar or the date of a broadcast the event will get updated after a trigger is executed. You can force the update by adding a (fake) registration.

  • Subscribers that watch a replay of the webinar will also activate the ‘New viewer’ trigger, this means that the event activity of your webinar may change for as long as the replay is available.

  • All webinars that existed prior to adding marketing event triggers to your account might not have an accurate representation of their event activity in HubSpot.

  • In case of a webinar series, each webinar will be a separate marketing event in HubSpot.

HubSpot tips & tricks

Please check our 'Advanced HubSpot workflows' article for guides on using HubSpot's features and workarounds for more advanced configurations.

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