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Video injection

You can play videos during a live webinar. For example, to show a testimonial or a product demo.

Tim avatar
Written by Tim
Updated over 8 months ago

During a live webinar you have the option to play videos to engage your viewers. For example, to show your audience a testimonial or a product demo. You can also record a part of your presentation beforehand, and only start and end the live webinar to answer questions.

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Before you are able to add a video, you must first upload or add the video via the Video page.

Please note! Only video injections added through the use of our own video upload system will be part of the webinar recording download. Any video injections done through the use of YouTube URLs will not be part of the download of the webinar recording.

Adding videos

  1. Select the specific webinar you want to edit.

  2. Click on 'Edit webinar' to access the webinar settings.

  3. Navigate to the 'Webinar' section.

  4. Click on 'Video injections.' Use the drop-down menu provided to select a video from your account.

During your live webinar you can play uploaded videos or YouTube videos. You must upload or add these videos to WebinarGeek in advance. You can do this via the video page. Here you will find an explanation.

Please note! Do you remove a video from the video page? Then the video will also disappear from your webinar and any replays.

Select an uploaded or YouTube video

Important information about YouTube videos and replays

The YouTube video needs to be published as 'Public' or 'Hidden' (found under 'Basic information'). A hidden video isn’t publicly available, but can be played in WebinarGeek. You also need to enable video embeds (under 'Distribution options' > 'Allow embeds').

During playback of the video injections (YouTube or uploaded videos) in the replay or an on demand webinar, it is not possible to scroll.

Your recording download (replay) only contains video injections uploaded to WebinarGeek. Video injections added with YouTube URLs will not show in the download of your recording. If your live webinar contains video injections added via YouTube URLs, you will need to edit them in yourself with a video editing program upon download. We recommend using our proprietary video upload system if you plan to download the replay after your webinar has ended.

Please note! YouTube videos are part of the replay (the online version, not the download) as long as the YouTube video is available. If the video is removed, we can no longer show it to your viewers. Viewers then see a black screen.

Remove videos

  1. Select the specific webinar you want to edit.

  2. Click on 'Edit webinar' to access the webinar settings.

  3. Navigate to the 'Webinar' section.

  4. Click on 'Video injections.'

  5. Hover your mouse over the video and click the trash can icon in the top left corner.

Remove a video injection

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