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Confirmation page

After someone registers for a webinar, they end up on the confirmation page. You can change this page to your liking.

Dina avatar
Written by Dina
Updated over a week ago

After someone registers for a webinar, they end up on the confirmation page. You can change this page to your liking.

Confirmation page

Edit confirmation page

To edit the confirmation page, follow the steps:

  1. Click on your webinar.

  2. Click on 'Edit webinar'.

  3. Navigate to 'Registration' > 'Confirmation page'.

  4. Click on 'Edit confirmation template' to go to the realtime page editor.

Confirmation page in settings

Personalized information about the subscriber will be shown automatically here. You can make changes in the header as well.

Click here for more information about the page editor.

Set custom URL as confirmation page

You can also use a custom confirmation page. For example, a custom page on your website. To do this, follow the steps:

  1. Click on your webinar.

  2. Click on 'Edit webinar'.

  3. Navigate to 'Registration' > 'Confirmation page'.

  4. Click on the pencil under 'Redirect users to a custom URL after sign-up'.

  5. Add the URL and click save!

Set custom URL as confirmation page

After registration, the individual will now be redirected to the specified web page.

Please note! 1,5 hours before the webinar starts, subscribers will see the countdown or watch page instead and will not be redirected to the newly added custom URL. For paid webinars, the WebinarGeek confirmation page has to be used due to the required payment procedure.

Tip! Do you want people to always see the confirmation page? Then enable the 'Viewing link only per e-mail' option. Registrations will always be redirected to the confirmation page if 'Viewing link only per e-mail' is enabled, even if there are less than 1.5 hours before the webinar starts left. Please note that this refers to your own confirmation page, not the confirmation page provided by WebinarGeek.

Dynamic variables in the custom URL

You are able to add URL parameters to your custom redirect url. These dynamic variables allow for personalization of your external confirmation page.

If you enter a confirmation page URL like:{{firstname}}&email={{email}}, we will replace the variables in the URL with the first name and email of the subscriber.

Variable names are case insensitive. If a value is not present, the result will be empty. E.g. “name={{firstname}}” will become “?name=”.

The following variables can be added to the URL:




First name


Last name


Company (name)


Email address


Phone number



The viewers unique watch link*


Date and time of the webinar*


External ID (from Zapier)


Custom registration link

* Please note! In case of a webinar series, only the watch link and date of the first webinar the subscriber subscribed to will be forwarded. We use ISO8601 format for these values.

What happens when a viewer signs up multiple times

If the visitor signs up again using the same information, they will end up on a page telling them they are already signed up. The message the viewer sees says: ‘You are already signed up for this webinar. Click on the button below to be sent a new copy of the confirmation email.'

Already subscribed message.

This page uses the layout of the registration page. Only the text changes in the message. The text cannot be changed.

Keywords: admission

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