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Add tags and set your Mailchimp campaigns based on webinar activity.

Dina avatar
Written by Dina
Updated over a week ago

Create a connection with Mailchimp, the connection with this integration can ensure your webinar registrations, viewers or non-viewers will be automatically added to a mailing list. Also, you can add tags and set your Mailchimp campaigns based on webinar activity.

This way you can easily retrieve data about your registrations, viewers or non-viewers in your mailing list and follow up on them yourself. For example, you can send out your own confirmation emails or arrange email campaigns based on viewer behavior.

What do you need?

To be able to connect Mailchimp with WebinarGeek you need a Mailchimp account.

Prerequisite two is your Mailchimp 'merge fields' can’t contain fields that are mandatory, other than FNAME. Our integration sends over the first name to the standard tag FNAME and the last name (if applicable) to the tag LNAME. Renaming these can cause data to not get through properly. Read more about this here.

It also won’t work when the registration was once removed from your mailing list, this is known in Mailchimp as 'forgotten' and can’t be added again except manually.

Create connection

  1. Go to WebinarGeek and click 'Account' in the top right

  2. Click 'Integrations'

  3. Choose 'Mailchimp'

  4. Fill in the API key of your Mailchimp account

  5. Click 'Connect'

The 'API key' can be created and found inside your Mailchimp account, click here for more details.

Filling in the Mailchimp API key

Setting triggers

After setting up a connection with Mailchimp, you can add triggers!

You can create a trigger on account level or for each individual webinar.

The next triggers are available. Click here for more explanation per trigger.

  • New registration

  • Unsubscribed from webinar

  • New webinar payment

  • New viewer

  • No-show

  • New channel lead

  • Successful assessment

After selecting a trigger, you can set an action.

Mailchimp works on the basis of an email list. There are two important differences:

  • Add to a mailing list
    The participant is always added to a mailing list, unless of course the email opt-in permission field wasn’t filled in. You can also set a double opt-in option here.

  • Add a tag
    The tag will only be added when participant is already on the mailing list, not in any other cases.

After setting up one of these actions, you can select a mailing list or tag.

New trigger for Mailchimp

Use WebinarGeek tags

Every registration that’s added to your mailing list will get a set of WebinarGeek tags, these fields contain information about the registration that can be used in Mailchimp as information in emails about this registration, or on which you can base your email campaigns. These fields are:

  • WebinarGeek watch date: The date of the webinar for which someone registers, e.g.: 01/03/2019 (WDATE).

  • WebinarGeek watch time: The time of the webinar for which someone registers, e.g.: 08:00PM (WTIME).

  • WebinarGeek watch link: The unique viewing URL of the registration for the webinar (WLINK).

  • webinargeek_custom_registration_link: The custom link the registrant used to subscribe to a webinar.

This information can be used in emails to your contacts, as so-called merge tags. For example, you may use the tag *|WDATE|* to set a relevant webinar date in the email.

You can also arrange email campaigns on the basis of the tags. For example, you can send out your own confirmation- and reminder emails (make sure that when you send your own confirmation email using Mailchimp, you turn these off in WebinarGeek. Read how to do that here).

Please note! These tags will be updated if the same contact is registered for another webinar that is connected to the same list. If you’ve got one webinar running that’s not a problem, but if you’ve got more we recommend you to separate into multiple lists.

Send confirmation- or reminder emails using Mailchimp

To do this, you can create an email campaign. As a preference, you set a trigger that sends out an email as soon as someone is added to your list (you may also use a tag as a trigger). It’s important to set a condition in 'Conditions', to make sure the field with the watch link isn’t empty. This way you can prevent someone is added to your list and doesn’t get their personalized webinar link.

Sending confirmation or reminder emails using MailChimp

In the email itself, you have the option to use the merge tags:

An example of a MailChimp reminder email

As a link for the 'View my webinar' button you can use the viewing link merge tag:

Editing a button in Mailchimp

If you want the link to redirect on the 'add to calendar' page, use another tag: ?add_to_calendar=1. So in your custom confirmation email you link to: *|WLINK|*?add_to_calendar=1. When the email is now broadcasted, all details will be in there as they should!

An example of a Mailchimp reminder email as seen by the recipient

These campaigns can also be arranged or expanded to automate reminder- and follow up emails.

Please note! These tags are updated if the same contact is registered for another webinar attached to the same list. If you’ve got a single webinar running that’s not an issue, but if you’ve got more we recommend separating them by using multiple lists. Also remember that, if you’re sending out your own confirmation emails through Mailchimp, these should be turned off in WebinarGeek. You can read how to do that here.

Keywords: marketing automation, e-mailmarketingservice

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