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Paid webinars

It’s very simple to organize paid webinars with WebinarGeek.

Dina avatar
Written by Dina
Updated over a week ago

With WebinarGeek it’s very simple to organize paid webinars. Ask your viewers for payment to participate in a webinar and earn money immediately with your valuable knowledge.

You will only need to connect your Mollie or Stripe account to your WebinarGeek account once to set things up. Afterward, you can set a price for each individual webinar between the values of 1 and 10.000 (euro), which participants will need to pay to view the webinar.

For processing the financial transactions we have partnered with one of the biggest payment platforms in the world: Stripe. Stripe offers all types of payment methods, different currencies, is quick to setup, and easy to use. In addition, we offer a integration with Mollie (EEA/EU only). Read more about the differences between Stripe and Mollie.

If you are already familiar with Mollie, want to only charge for your webinars in Euro, and have a business in the Netherlands we recommend using Mollie, otherwise you'll be best of using Stripe.

Connecting Stripe or Mollie is simple and done in just a few steps.


Connect your Stripe account

Follow these steps to connect Stripe:

  1. Click 'Account' in the top right

  2. Click on 'My account'

  3. Click 'Paid webinars' on the left-hand side

  4. Click 'Connect Stripe'

  5. Follow the steps and it will prompt you to log in.

That’s it! Stripe will now be connected to your WebinarGeek account.

Connecting WebinarGeek with Stripe

When you connect a platform like WebinarGeek to Stripe you will give WebinarGeek access to most of the payment data of the account. Therefore, Stripe requires having a separate account (within your main account) for every website, platform, and project. Learn more about creating Stripe accounts. Creating a separate account is also useful if you'd like to separate financial flows or you'd to separate the data that is viewable by partners that you connect to. Make sure to create a new account to connect with WebinarGeek.

When connecting to Stripe, Stripe will automatically detect whether or not you have an account available without any existing connections. If there is no account without existing connections available, the process will lead you through the steps of creating a new account. You can read more about that here.

If you do not yet have a Stripe account, the ‘Create Stripe account’ button can be used to make an account.

In your Stripe settings you will find that WebinarGeek is now listed as an authorized application. From here you can also revoke access at any time.

Revoking WebinarGeek's access to Stripe

You are able to connect a Stripe test account, but you will need an active Stripe account to receive payments.

Set payment method for Stripe

Stripe checkout offers several ways for viewers to pay for your webinars, but depending on your target demographic, not all payment methods may be available.

Payment methods have to be configured in your Stripe account.

Head to and log into your Stripe account.

Click on the cogwheel in the top right corner to open the ‘Settings’ page.

Opening the settings in Stripe

Now click on ‘Payment methods’ under ‘Payments’.

Opening the payment methods menu in Stripe

Make sure you're editing the company payment defaults and not the 'normal' defaults, since this will not add the payment methods to the WebinarGeek registrations payments.

You will find a list of all available payment methods. You can activate and/or deactivate any of the listed payment methods at any time, but keep in mind that some of them may have a ‘review period’ and will have a delay in being activated.

Please note! Paypal isn't supported when using Stripe. If you want to accept payments through Paypal, consider using Mollie for your paid webinars instead.

Simply click on ‘Turn on’ to enable a specific payment method, or ‘Turn on all’ to enable all the payment methods in that particular list.

Enabling payment methods in Stripe

To turn off the payment methods, either use the ‘Turn off all’ option at the top of a list or click on the payment method in question to open a tab below it. In the tab, click on ‘Turn off’ to disable that specific payment method.

Running into issues disabling Link as a payment method? Please refer to the 'Frequently asked questions' section.

Disabling a payment method in Stripe and seeing the payment method's summary

Please note! This tab also allows you to see the summary of the payment method, including which currencies it supports. If the payment of your webinar is in a currency other than the ones listed, the payment method will not be available to the customer. For example, Bancontact will only be shown when the webinar payment is in euro. It will be invisible for webinars configured to accept payments in dollars even if the payment method is enabled.

Set default currency for Stripe

Using Stripe allows you to bill your customers in various currencies. Set the default currency of your account by following these steps:

  1. Click 'Account' in the top right

  2. Click on 'My account'

  3. Click 'Paid webinars' on the left-hand side

  4. Choose the default currency with the dropdown menu under 'Set the default currency for your webinars'

  5. Don't forget to click 'Save payment settings' to save your changes!

The currency can also be changed on a webinar level, read more about this here.

It’s good to note that any handling fees from WebinarGeek and their invoicing will always be in euros. Your chosen currency can affect the minimum price you're able to ask for a webinar.

Setting the default currency for your webinars

Receive payments for webinars

As soon as your Stripe account is connected, it will be possible to receive payments for your webinars. You now can enable payments for your webinars and set a price. Learn how to enable payments for a webinar here.

Receive payouts from Stripe

Actual payout of the payments will be done through Stripe. Payout availability can vary based on the industry and country you’re operating in. You can read more about how to set up payout in Stripe here. For questions about payouts make sure to contact Stripe.


Connect your Mollie account

The first step is connecting your Mollie account to your WebinarGeek account.

Already have a Mollie account? Follow these steps:

  1. Click 'Account' in the top right

  2. Click on 'My account'

  3. Click 'Paid webinars' on the left-hand side

  4. Click 'Connect Mollie'

  5. Follow the steps and it will prompt you to log in.

Connecting WebinarGeek with Mollie

Don’t have a Mollie account yet? Click the ‘create Mollie account' and follow all the steps in Mollie. Alternatively, you can read the article: "How do I create an account for Mollie?" Go back to WebinarGeek after creating the account and connect Mollie as described above.

Please note! Enable a payment method on your payment profile in Mollie. Do this in your Mollie account at 'Settings' > 'Payment methods'. You can activate all available payment methods, such as iDEAL, Bancontact and credit card.

When you connect a platform like WebinarGeek to Mollie you will give WebinarGeek access to most of the payment data of the account. Therefore we and Mollie highly recommend creating separate organizations for each platform you connect. Creating an organization is useful if you'd like to separate financial flows or you'd like to separate the data that is viewable by the partners that you connect to. Learn more about Organizations and how to create them.

Create a website profile in Mollie

The next step is the creation of a website profile. Creating a website profile can be done in 'Settings' in your Mollie account.

Click here to log in to your Mollie account and create your profile for the paid webinars using WebinarGeek. For 'Website', add a link of a registration page of a published webinar. Give a brief description of your webinar content and fill out the contact details as accurately as possible. Alternatively, you can link your channel (with your paid webinars) or you can link a page on your own website that hosts our registration embed.

Please note! Your contact details have to be available on your registration page for verification purposes.

Receive payments for webinars

As soon as your website profile and your Mollie account profile are complete, it will be possible to receive payments for your webinars. You now can enable payments for your webinars and set a price. Learn how to enable payments for a webinar here.

Receive payments from Mollie

After your website profile was approved during the website check by Mollie, you can start receiving payments from Mollie. As long as you’re not yet approved with Mollie with regards to your website profile, they will hold the money for you until you’re approved. You can learn what to do when your website profile has been denied by Mollie here.

Frequently asked questions

Why do you work with Mollie and Stripe?

We have partnered with one of the biggest payment platforms in the world: Stripe. Stripe offers all types of payment methods, different currencies, is quick to setup, and easy to use.

Mollie is a European payment provider and is a great fit for Dutch users. With Mollie you can host your webinars in the Euro currency.

Where can I ask questions about payments?

All financial transactions are processed using your personal Mollie or Stripe account. Questions about invoices, payments, and other related matters can be asked to Mollie’s and Stripe’s helpdesk. You can reach them here:

Which payment options are there for my viewers?

Both Mollie and Stripe offer a wide range of payment options for your viewers. Please see this article to learn more.

Where do I issue refunds?

All transactions are processed using Mollie or Stripe. An overview of your received payments can be found in your Mollie or Stripe account. Possible refunds are also managed using your Mollie or Stripe account. It’s possible to refund the whole amount or a fraction of the amount. There are often costs associated with refunds through these providers.

My website profile (Mollie) has been denied, help?

There are different reasons why Mollie may deny a website profile. In this help article by Mollie you can read more about it. The article also provides solutions to this issue.

What are the costs of paid webinars? Why does WebinarGeek subtract a handling fee?

What happens when someone fails to pay?

When someone registers for your webinar, but fails to pay for it, that person won’t be able to participate in the paid webinar. That person will get access to the webinar only after the payment has been completed. Completing a payment is possible up until the moment the webinar starts.

Does WebinarGeek send the invoice to the viewer of a paid webinar?

No. But if you are using Mollie, you could use Moneybird to ensure that your viewer receives an invoice for the payment of your webinar. You could also look into other solutions using Zapier.

Can I easily export the viewer data from my paid webinar?

You can export a list of participants of paid webinars. This information is exported to a so-called CSV file. Go to the webinar statistics. Click on 'Registration page' > 'Payments' or 'Viewers' and then on 'Export to CSV'. The CSV file contains 2 additional columns with information about whether someone has already paid and what amount that person has paid.

How do I disable Link as a payment method on Stripe?

You have to disable Link in a separate location from the other payment methods.

  1. Log in to your Stripe account

  2. Scroll down to 'Checkout'

  3. Disable the switch next to 'Enable Link in Checkout'

Link should now be removed from your payment pages.

Keywords: giving, using, paying, money

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